Frequently Asked Questions // FAQ of MP3Juices

Which platforms are supported by MP3Juices?
At the moment we are only working with YouTube and Soundcloud. In the next months more platforms will be added.

Which formats are supported by MP3 Juices?
YouTube results can be downloaded as MP3 (audio) or MP4 (video) files. Should you enter a YouTube video URL directly into the search box the file will be converted into a MP3 file. There will be no option to choose the format.
Soundcloud results will be always downloaded as MP3 (audio) files. They don't support video at Soundcloud.

Where the downloaded files are saved?
You may check your browser settings. There you will find your download path. CLick the Downloads menu option or go to your standard downloads folder in menu.

The search is not working. MP3Juices is not working.
First of all please try to delete your browser cache, and refresh the page. Try CTRL+SHIFT+R in Chrome, and similar in other browsers. Should you still get no results there might be no possible videos satisfying your search query. If you think this is an error, please, send us a message using our contact form.

MP3Juices video play function is not working.
Please note that some videos/songs might not be available in your country. So, please try to search for another song @ MP3 Juice.

My question is not listed and not answered by MP3Juice.
Just send us a contact request using our contact form. With the question included, of course.